
Essential Thor

I'm still in the middle of "Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates"  by Tom Robbins, but man oh man, I just got my first Marvel comics "Essential" order in the mail from Amazon the other day, and I  just HAD to crack a few pages on Essential Thor Vol. 4.  Wow, this stuff is mind blowing!  I'm finally on my way to becoming a hard core Kirby fan.  Everyone always talks about how big and awesome his stuff is, and I am seeing why they are totally, totally right!!  


Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates

So, I'm getting pretty deep into Tom Robbins' "Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates."  It is the first non sci-fi / fantasy / horror I have read since high school, I guess, and I was a little nervous about jumping in without that nerdy-geeky crutch.  Oh man am I glad I took the plunge!  This is an awesome book.

His books are always broiled up with a full serving of sexual energy and off-beat wording that really pound thrillfully and relentlessly at the unprotected pleasure centers of the noggin, and this book is no exception.  You can really feel an energized love of the English language, a zany playfulness with a corny-horny serious core. 

I'll post more later. For now, I'll just say that I recommend it whole heartedly AND hole heartedly.  It is changing my life AND providing a bounty of exciting entertainment along the way.   

Click on the link below to buy it from amazon dot com and earn me a few book buying points or whatever...